The information here applies to most Fetal/Placental MRI services in the UK. Some may differ slightly in their arrangements.



Why is a Fetal MRI necessary?

MRI of the unborn baby is usually requested when the ultrasound scan of your baby has detected a problem or there is a family history of previous problems. MRI is used to get additional images that compliment the ultrasound scan images and are used to help work out what the problem is, what the doctors can do and what is the likely outcome for your baby.



How long will it take to get an appointment?

If you have been referred by your doctor, fetal medicine specialist or obstetrician, you will get an appointment, often by phone, within a few days of referral.



Can I request a fetal MRI independently?

If you wish to have an MRI of your baby please speak to your doctor and ask them to refer you as this will ensure it is appropriate for you to have the MRI scan.



How much does a fetal MRI cost?

All fetal MRI’s done in Sheffield are done on the NHS and you should be referred by your obstetrician or GP.



Where does the procedure take place?

Fetal MRI is only performed in specialist centres so you may need to travel to a centre away from your home town.

It is performed in the MRI units which are usually located in the Radiology (X Ray) departments.

You should be given details on how to find the correct place when you receive your appointment.



When does the procedure take place?

This depends on when the department does this type of scan.

At the department:
You will be greeted at the reception desk and checked in. Often this is done electronically so the staff in the scan unit will know you are there and you will be directed to the best waiting area.



What should I wear?

It makes it easier and quicker for everyone if you can wear clothing without metal parts e.g. sports bra without underwires and metal fastens, Maternity clothes are usually fasten free, loose clothing will also help. This means you will be able to wear your own clothes for the scan and not need to change into a hospital gown.

Please remove all hair clips, you can leave head scarves on. Ideally leave your jewellery at home. You will need to fill in a safety questionnaire.



Can I bring someone with me?

Our centre at Sheffield allows you to have someone in the scan room with you as long as they fill in a safety questionnaire and remove all metal items (they can have metal zips etc. attached to their clothing as they are not having the scan) and empty their pockets (lockers are provided).

At other centres, it may not always be possible to have someone in the scan room with you, but you can always have someone attend the appointment with you and wait in the waiting area.



The staff

You will meet a radiographic aid who will prepare you for the scan and then a radiographer who will explain the scan to you and answer any questions you might have about the procedure.

You may or may not meet the radiologist – who interprets the scan and provides the report for your doctors, before and or after the scan.



In the scan room

The MRI scanner is a large ring shaped scanner with a tunnel through the centre. Most centres will put you on the table in the tunnel either on your back or your side. Let them know the most comfortable position for you. They will have pads and cushions to help.

They will place you so that you enter the scanner feet first. Your head will be a little way into the tunnel but never in the centre of the tunnel, as this is where we want the baby to be.

A coil will be placed over you where we think the baby is. This is bulky but not heavy and allows us to get good images.

We will give you ear plugs/ head phones to protect your ears from the noise of the scanner.

You will be given a buzzer in case you need to alert us to anything during the scan.



How long does the scan take?

The scan takes around 20-30 minutes. Twins will take longer. Your baby will move when they first hear the noise but then will settle again as the noise is repetitive.



When do I get my results?

At our Sheffield centre, in most cases, you will get the results straight after your scan. Other centres have a different system and the results may be sent back to the doctor who requested the scan and you will get an appointment with them to get the results.



What happens after I get my results?

You will go back to see the doctor who referred you for the scan so they can talk to you about what happens next.



I’d like to understand more about the MRI experience. Can you help?

Take a look at the MRI Scan Experience app. More information here.